
Transforming companies and organizations as a real partner co-creating the future of DX

DX corporate transformation has become indispensable. Companies seek to address the ever-shortening lifespans of competitive advantages, the demand to meet personalized needs, and changes in the competitive environment with no industrial boundaries. However, many companies aiming to achieve transformation fail to go beyond streamlining operations due to their vision scenarios, personnel, and organizational strategies that lack the necessary drive.

ABeam Consulting believes that DX means more than just using digital technology. We believe that DX means taking advantage of technology, offering a DX vision, and developing an engine within companies that execute on that vision.

DX Vision & DX Enabler

ABeam Consulting drives DX at companies by bringing together everything they need to formulate and execute on their DX vision in the ABeam DX Framework.

Purpose / Goal

Digital technology has completely disrupted the existing markets and the corporate landscape. Yesterday’s leaders can no longer rely on their existing competitive advantage to sustain in this digital economy.
We believe that understanding the consequential irreversible impacts of digital technology and strategically leveraging digital technology to create a blueprint for transformation will play an important role for all the industries.
Under such circumstances, we think that developing a DX Vision is essential. It helps you foresee your company’s future state of affairs rather than just an extension to the status quo.

Many companies today are working on a "defensive DX" focused on preserving their long-term survival. In the future, we expect them to shift to an "aggressive DX", by using digital technology to transform business models and create new business opportunities for the next long-term shift in their industry.
For such companies to advance quickly and successfully to an "aggressive DX", they need to have a "DX Vision" that embraces both business and digital goals and engages the organization in achieving that outcome.
In summary a "DX Vision" needs:

  1. Definition of the future: Envision the future business environment based on the social changes (lifestyles and values, economic trends, technological trends, etc.) that digital technology will bring.
  2. Future values and business structures: Describe the values and business structures that you want to achieve in the future business environment with the help of digital technology.
  3. DX scenario: Exemplify the path for establishing new value and business structure.
    ABeam Consulting supports you to create the “DX Vision” that will be resilient and will thrive in the digital age.
DX Scenario

In addition to goals, the VISION requires a scenario. ABeam Consulting has defined four areas that should be considered when creating a DX Vision.
Sustainability Transformation is the area that supports the reformation of all aspects of life, from culture to social relations, from politics to economy, from the way we think to the way we live persists the society, contributing to positive social transformation thus requires interdisciplinary approaches and collaboration amongst industries that operate in the society.
Value Chain Transformation is the area that helps transform the way companies do their business every step of the way, from initial strategy to execution or disrupts the entire industry with innovations.
Customer Experience Transformation is the area that enables companies to improve the experiences of every customer by leveraging digital technology.
Enterprise Transformation is the area in which companies gain corporate capabilities through the use of digital technology.

DX Leadership

Leadership is critical to advance "Transformation (X)" in the Digital era in which DX is rapidly disrupting markets and companies are quickly waning their prevailing competitive advantage.
Leaders need to be determined to constantly reform and rebuild existing structural frameworks so that they can effectively thrive in the drastically changing environment. Incumbents who want to maintain the status quo and enjoy steady growth of existing business operations will be challenged.
And as DX shifts focus to the business value, the requirements for model leaders who can understand digital technology, aren’t risk averse in decision making, can face and pacify the resistance from the business community, and can negotiate with external stakeholder, are becoming more complex and difficult.

According to a survey conducted by ABeam Consulting, Leadership is a critical factor for success of DX.
It is evidenced that a single leader however influential can’t transform the entire organization. It is necessary to build a "Leadership team" that is the central to drive transformation, and empower the management team, the transformation promotion team, and the frontline teams to become such leaders in their respective positions.
The Leadership team needs to have dynamic mindset that demonstrate strong sense of crisis to drive the company-wide transformation but at the same time have a clear VISION of the future.
Transformational leadership needs to be persuasive and pervade across departmental boundaries without the fear of conflicts with the existing business issues, such as declining sales.
Workplace Leadership encourages each organization to independently act as agents of transformation and commit to yield outcomes.
To foster such workplace leadership, the Leadership Team promoting DX must concretely present the post-transformation state and support the creation of frameworks to collaboratively accomplish the goals.
ABeam Consulting supports the development of such leadership principles and building leadership teams who acts as agents of transformations in the organization.

DX Engine

The essence of Digital Transformation (DX) is in the "X" (Transformation).
At ABeam Consulting, we understand the needed organizational capabilities that act as a powerful engine to drive the transformation. These capabilities are the ability to establish flexible management and operational organizations, the ability to build business that provides new value, and the ability to create value together with various companies and individuals alike.

Organizations pursuing the "defensive DX" have mainly focused on the corporate function, which includes interest adjustment, management, and information provision functions with relevant departments.
The imminent shift toward "aggressive DX" for business-side transformation will demand agile decision-making to adapt to a radically changing external environment. That additionally calls for building organizational structures that are flat and highly versatile, and business operations that are nimble and flexible. Such structure and operations need to use digital technology to be innovative and create new business opportunities. Business operations need to be rethought from customer’s perspective, and redefined, and redesigned so that they provide value to the customers. Constructing collaborative relationships with other companies and individuals must be performed to balance company’s inherent deficiencies and co-create value using external resources and assets.
ABeam Consulting helps companies build these capabilities that increase companywide awareness of the transformation, sharpen competencies needed to advance the transformation, and create a reproducible model to endure the transformation.

DX Talent

"The essence of digital transformation (DX) is in the "X" (transformation).
The key to success in realizing DX is the creation of a digital human capital portfolio that functions as a team of people who demonstrate "D" = the ability to utilize digital technology and "X" = the ability to change.

It’s the people who can realize DX. For DX Vision to permeate throughout the organization, both Senior management and frontline personnel must support the digital transformation. To drive the capability of digital transformation, new roles, and duties should be carved out, such as personnel who may pursue “Aggressive DX” and those that may pursue “Defensive DX”.

However, finding and holding on to human resources who can advance DX is an arduous undertaking. Management structure and corporate culture that have placed a premium on the economic efficiency of existing business operations can be hurdles especially when the companies haven’t attracted fresh talent and cultivated rich foundation to expand and strengthen their abilities.

ABeam Consulting will help build a new human resource management model and establish a corporate culture that will create diverse talent pool to drive DX and bring about personal and organizational growth by applying transformational practices across the organizational boundaries.

Data & Technology

The digital transformation that companies need to undertake today must transcend beyond simply introducing digital tools or digitalizing existing analog systems. The companies need to transform itself through digital technology. Merely defining DX goals, and creating DX scenarios is not enough. Companies need to improve their ability to use data and technology. They need to understand what the emerging technology trends, what data needs to be collected, how to leverage the data by combining it with right technology that benefits them and their customers.

Companies must acquire the following data and technology expertise

  • Business Applications
  • Technology Infrastructure
  • IT architecture
  • Provision of a comprehensive platform linking internal and external corporate functions
  • Enterprise security
  • Data management and analytics

With our strong technology partnerships, our professions' expertise in diverse technologies, and our depth and breadth of consulting experience, we help companies succeed in transforming their business with our client services ranging from strategy formulation to operation & maintenance.


Nov 15, 2024 Insight

Creating the “eternal experienced employee” with large scale language models ~Advanced utilization of failure studies and internal knowledge to prevent accidents and incidents in the manufacturing industry~

  • DX
  • AI

Services Provided

ABeam Consulting supports clients with its wealth of experience and insight.
The following are services we provide to help clients achieve DX in an optimal form.


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