

Creating medical, health, and welfare services to overcome population decline and other issues in an aging society

The medical, health, and welfare fields are important social infrastructures in Japan. There is a need to unify these fields to address the issues of population decline and an advanced aging society. Social insurance and tax reforms are moving forward, and private and public institutions must work together to utilize limited resources.

ABeam Consulting can leverage its accumulated knowledge and experience to support insurance, medical, and nursing services to overcome population decline and an advanced aging society with upstream (policy proposal support) and downstream (improved hospital management support, infrastructure support, etc.) approaches.

  • Hospital management system reconstruction and implementation support

  • Hospital information system reconstruction and implementation support

  • Support for transitions to independent administrative institutions (administration/organization/ICT design)

  • ICT governance support (developing guidelines, procurement optimization, system evaluation, information security measures)

  • AI/RPA implementation and human resource training for digital government/DX

  • Medical, health, and welfare plan development support

  • Hospital functionality evaluation system implementation support

  • Hospital functionality evaluation support

  • Departmental system implementation support

  • Project management, CIO support

  • Management improvement plan development/execution support (hospitals/regional companies, etc.)

  • Survey and research about medical policies

  • BSC implementation support

  • Medium-term management plan development support

  • Co-purchasing implementation support

  • New hospital basic design/basic plan development support

  • Regional medical implementation partnership support

Track Record



(hospital institutions) support

Hospital management systems (financial accounting, human resources, salaries, etc.) reconstruction

(municipal hospitals, independent administrative institutions, etc.) support

Hospital information systems (electronic charts, department systems, etc.) reconstruction

administration/organization/ICT design

Support for transitions to independent administrative institutions

regional municipalities

Survey and research about medical information utilizing digital technology such as IoT, etc.

national university hospitals

Medical device procurement support

national university hospitals

BI systems implementation support

municipal hospitals

Operations/efficiency improvement support

central agencies, regional municipalities

Medical, health, and welfare plan development support

regional municipalities

Regional medical partnership implementation support

municipal hospitals, benefit corporations

Management transformation/improvement support

municipal hospitals, medical corporations, university hospitals

Management strategy development/management administration

university hospitals

Hospital construction, maintenance, and renewal support

municipal hospitals

Track record system/balance score card implementation support

medical corporations

Medium-term management plan development support

municipal hospitals

Basic design/basic plan development support

hospital group

Co-purchasing implementation support

central agencies, independent administrative institutions

Survey and research operations about medical policies

municipal hospitals, independent administrative institutions

Project management


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