Global Enterprise Management


Consolidated enterprise management has taken on an even greater significance in recent years. For the statutory accounting, companies are required to prepare the annual securities report based on the consolidated financial statements, as well as preparing the quarterly consolidated financial statements at an earlier date. However, in reality there are large numbers of companies that do not practice managerial accounting, which includes overseas subsidiaries in their monthly or quarterly reports on a consolidated basis.
As major advances are made in corporate globalization, the reinforcement of consolidated enterprise management that complies with the management approach based on IFRS, and that covers not only financial information but also logistics and project management information has become an essential task for companies that require prompt management decisions.
ABeam Consulting offers various services relating to the reinforcement of consolidated enterprise management in a comprehensive manner.

The Need for Reinforced Consolidated Enterprise Management

The Need for Reinforced Consolidated Enterprise Management

Framework of Consolidated Enterprise Management

In order to reinforce consolidated management, it is necessary to visualize management information according to the objective of each type of management, upon defining the necessary timing, accuracy and scope. ABeam Consulting proposes to define the framework of consolidated enterprise management for each purpose as follows and proposes developing a system that will provide the information when necessary.

Framework of Consolidated Enterprise Management

The Focus of Reinforcement Support of Consolidated Management

Consolidated enterprise management under common rules will be very important, In order to reinforce the consolidated management on a global basis. To achieve them a standardization of accounting rules within the group will become necessary.
ABeam Consulting will engage in this project from the following perspectives.

The Focus of Reinforcement Support of Consolidated Management

Example of Consolidated Management Infrastructure

Example of Consolidated Management Infrastructure


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