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Make Every Effort to Realize a Sustainable Future through Co-Creation of Value as a Social Transformation Accelerator

Advancing to the Next Stage of Growth through Bold Self-Transformation

In 2021, ABeam Consulting marked the 40th anniversary of its founding. Since our founding, we have achieved substantial growth as a global consulting firm originating in Japan and Asia. Currently, ABeam Consulting has 27 offices worldwide and more than 6,500 employees.
We believe that we must advance to a new growth stage that lies beyond a mere extension of the past 40 years, even while harnessing the strengths we have developed over those years.

In recent times, the business environment has changed drastically. Many companies and organizations have taken ambitious steps to transform themselves in anticipation of the future. Just as they have done so, the COVID-19 pandemic has spurred their efforts further, and full-fledged structural transformation is now likely to accelerate even further.

I often say that “Change before you have to.” Amid an unclear outlook for the future, our clients have been working to boldly transform themselves. Likewise, we should also have the courage to drive self-transformation. In addition, we aim to become the first choice in Asia. Looking at the market environment going forward, Asia is the region where substantial growth can be expected, and we are determined to support that growth as a company originating in Japan and Asia..


Co-Creating Value Hand in Hand with Stakeholders

We attach great importance to the phrase Real Partner®. As our clients seek to realize their ambi - tions to transform themselves, Real Partner® encap - sulates our commitment to remain a good partner in their transformation process by further leveraging our strengths.

And I strongly believe that this Real Partner® approach has become the starting point, or the DNA, so to speak, of the actions of every member of the company. Our staff takes strong ownership of every project that has been initiated and has the determi - nation to see projects through to the end with clients. Moreover, we have the ability to successfully com - plete projects while rising above various difficulties. This principle lies at the very foundation of the Real Partner® approach, and it is a strength that serves as the starting point for the company. We need to continue to further enhance these strengths.

Looking ahead, the issues and themes we should address are likely to become increasingly larger in scale and more difficult. In this process, we believe that there will be heightened needs not only for transformation programs at each individual company, but also for expansive social transformation where many stakeholders work together, hand in hand, to co-create value. The company has so far honed its frontline execution capabilities while advancing projects with various companies and organizations. Going forward, we will need to further expand our ecosystem for working together with companies and groups that possess capabilities that ABeam Consult - ing does not have. Initiatives that further enlarge and enhance our own capabilities will be a crucial part of these efforts.


Become a Social Transformation Accelerator in 10 Years

ABeam Consulting has drawn up Vision 2030, which describes who we want to be in 10 years. We have also formulated Strategy 2025, an execution plan developed by back-casting from where we want to be in the future, in addition to reviewing where we stand now. In 10 years, we aspire to become a Social Transformation Accelerator that drives major social transformation faster. Each employee will achieve further personal growth as we build an organization where members with a diverse spectrum of capabili - ties can succeed, while bolstering our ecosystem of people with various capabilities outside the company. By doing so, we will go beyond merely extending our past into the future as we build up our vision for the company 10 years from now.

Going forward, I believe that consulting firms will need to think through matters even more carefully, starting from first principles. They will need to con - sider, for example, what sorts of transformations should be implemented in the first place, and why those steps need to be taken now. I believe that it will be necessary for consulting firms to advance projects all the way through the stage of co-creating value with clients and other partners. From October 2021, ABeam Consulting has rolled out a new brand slogan, “Build Beyond As One.” “Build” embodies our wish not only to propose concepts but also to ensure that we guide projects to the final realization of results, while “Beyond” embodies our aim to achieve future growth that surpasses conventional values and expectations. Finally, “As One” means that all the efforts of all stakeholders will be guided by common values and a shared direction. This slogan encapsulates our determination to make these goals a reality.


Seeing the SDGs Approach as Our Own Priority

We are working to build an environment where every employee can demonstrate their abilities vibrantly and engage in their work with a high level of motiva - tion. Inspired by the idea of employees working like “athletes” in the business field, ABeam Consulting has continuously implemented a workstyle transfor - mation initiative called “ABeam Business Athlete®” over the past several years.

Based on the SDGs approach, ABeam Consulting determined its materialities in 2020. As I noted earlier, we have determined Goal 17, “Partnerships for the goals,” as a main materiality, as this goal is closely related to ABeam Consulting’s co-creation of value with clients. We have also added two more SDGs as our materialities—Goal 8, “Decent work and eco - nomic growth,” which represents the essence of the ABeam Business Athlete® initiative, and Goal 9, “Industry, innovation and infrastructure,” because the company’s foundation is to promote transformation using digital technology. In these ways, we have repositioned our activities to realize both the sustain - ability of companies and society.

Moreover, in fiscal year 2021, under the “Social Transformation Accelerator” vision, we launched the Sustainability Unit as a new organization to promote measures aimed at solving social issues. We have integrated the pre-existing CSR Unit and the Social Contribution Initiatives program, which helps to create a sustainable society by encouraging our employees to see social issues as their own priorities. Efforts are under way to accelerate ABeam Consult - ing’s sustainability management further.


Simultaneously Advancing Sustainability and Business Activities

ABeam Consulting is advancing sustainability activities in two directions. With the first direction, we our - selves take the lead in advancing activities to create a sustainable society. With the second direction, we work closely with clients through consulting projects to develop the sustainability activities they are vigor - ously promoting, with the aim of realizing a sustain - able society.

Green energy transformation (GEX) is a case in point. Here, ABeam Consulting itself pushes ahead with zero emission activities aimed at carbon neutral - ity, along with expanding activities to transform the overall social structure in collaboration with a variety of companies and organizations. In addition, we are widely rolling out a framework called Digital ESG, which focuses on non-financial capital and clearly identifies its correlations with improvements in cor - porate value through analytics. Digital ESG has been adopted by many companies. The Digital ESG frame - work is more than just a business activity undertaken by ABeam Consulting alone. It is a typical example of how we are striving to create a sustainable society together with our clients.

We will fulfill our social responsibility to create a sustainable future and grow as a business and as a company that is trusted by the markets. I believe these dual priorities should be pursued in unison— they are two sides of the same coin. To push ahead with our role as a Social Transformation Accelerator that drives transformation faster, every one of us should strive to grow, with the aim of reaching an even higher stage. I look forward to seeing every individual’s efforts culminate in the successful realiza - tion of ABeam Consulting’s vision for where we want to be in 2030.

President and CEO Tatsuya Kamoi


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