A business partner that supports ongoing company transformations and pursues operational excellence in business and technology
A business partner that supports ongoing company transformations and pursues operational excellence in business and technology
Many companies are reviewing their outsourcing strategies and systems. Companies must review many factors to optimize their outsourcing. These include diversifying cloud services, constructing operational management facilities in line with the increase in service providers, managing business continuity by reviewing the geopolitical risks of near-shore and off-shore sites, and reviewing fundamental business operations based on changes in the business environment.
ABeam Consulting supports companies to review outsourcing strategies from technology and business perspectives to strengthen their competitiveness, and contributes to the speedy and ongoing optimization of operations corresponding to the changing business environment.
Kao Corporation:Establishing an integrated item master management system in order to strengthen the global business Aiming to realize effective master management through the implementation of a shared system in Japan, Europe and the U.S., and Asia
Wacom Co., Ltd.:Flexible, 24-hour bilingual (Japanese and English) support for IT service desk operations at all global offices
Kao Corporation:Establishing an integrated item master management system in order to strengthen the global business Aiming to realize effective master management through the implementation of a shared system in Japan, Europe and the U.S., and Asia
Kao Corporation:Kao Corporation, a leading global manufacturer of consumer and industrial chemical products headquartered in Tokyo.
Constructing new management methods with evolving technology
As technology evolves, there is potential for transformation in operations maintenance, including decision-making and efficiency improvements that use automation, data analysis, and AI. However, management is becoming increasingly difficult due to the diversification of solutions and services providers.
To respond quickly to these changes, companies must enact sourcing strategies and standardize operations maintenance management and processes, maintaining a foundation for sustainable growth.
It is important to select a partner who can provide support for operations maintenance strategy and management, and who can assist with daily operations maintenance work that accounts for the realities on the ground.
Utilizing outsourcing in core areas
Business Processes Outsourcing (BPO) previously focused on operations in non-core areas of the company. The goal was to shift company employees from non-core areas to core areas to alleviate the major issue of labor shortages, enabling companies to strengthen competitiveness. However, the re-skilling of employees was not as effective as expected and hindered the shift of human resources to core areas.
Companies are also now pressed to review operations in their core areas in accordance with changes in the business environment. Skills and human resources that will be needed in the future are changing, requiring new ways to utilize outsourcing in core areas.
Reviewing near-shore and off-shore utilization in an uncertain business environment
The recent business environment has seen multiple factors intertwine in complex ways, including economics, technology, politics, the environment, etc. It is difficult to forecast the future under these circumstances. The past outsourcing structure is being forced to shift to a sustainable outsourcing structure that is prepared for sudden market changes and unpredictable geopolitical risks. There is a need to review near-shore and off-shore utilization.
It is essential to review strategies and operations while combining near-shore and off-shore outsourcing to operate businesses at optimal costs and sustainable/stable quality.
ABeam Consulting provides support for continuous improvements by developing optimal sourcing strategies, advancing management techniques that fit services, and focusing on operations efficiency and improvements that respond to technological evolutions.
ABeam Consulting utilizes Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR) and advanced knowledge of technology/data analysis to support optimization and execution of operations, including core/non-core areas, through continuous improvements.
ABeam Consulting provides stable and quality outsourcing services through a global delivery model that combines near-shore and off-shore sites. We can create sourcing structures that meet client needs at optimized costs.
ABeam Consulting works with clients on everything from sourcing strategy development to establishing continuous improvements. We provide support to achieve operational excellence for the client.
Kao Corporation
Establishing an integrated item master management system in order to strengthen the global business Aiming to realize effective master management through the implementation of a shared system in Japan, Europe and the U.S., and Asia
Wacom Co., Ltd.
Flexible, 24-hour bilingual (Japanese and English) support for IT service desk operations at all global offices
Kao Corporation
Establishing an integrated item master management system in order to strengthen the global business Aiming to realize effective master management through the implementation of a shared system in Japan, Europe and the U.S., and Asia
Kao Corporation
Kao Corporation, a leading global manufacturer of consumer and industrial chemical products headquartered in Tokyo.
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