Business Platform (ABeam Cloud)


Support DX promotion with a high-value-added business platform

In a rapidly changing business environment, DX related issues such as securing digital human resources, increasing running and switching costs, and a lack of information and knowledge are becoming a hindrance.

ABeam Consulting offers the knowledge we have accumulated through consulting for various business/industries, as well as a high value-added business platform ABeam Cloud® that leverages the latest digital technologies, to minimize challenges faced by all industries, and supports realizing business innovations and accelerates management decision makings.

ABeam Cloud Overview

ABeam Cloud® provides one-stop services in the following four areas that are essential factors to win through the digital age : 1) "Business Applications," which can quickly provide simple solutions based on ERP templates etc. and incorporating the latest digital technologies; 2) "Customer Experience," which supports strategic CX improvement by using ERP data, etc.; 3) "Analytics," which provides use cases of data utilization that suggest ways to accelerate DX; and 4) "Managed Platform" that provides an optimized cloud environment for the digital age, which demands speed and flexibility.

ABeam Cloud® Overview
Business Application

ERP templates built by industry and a group of applications specialized in specific areas enable total optimization of existing businesses by optimizing business processes and improving the efficiency of business operations.

Customer Experience

Gather and analyze customer opinion to strengthen relationships with customers through sales, marketing, customer support, etc.


Reveal unexpected insights buried in massive bodies, to heighten the accuracy of forecasting and improve decision makings.

Managed Platform

Provide a one-stop cloud platform optimized for the digital age, which demands speed and flexibility.

ABeam Cloud® Platform Service

Managed service that provides the functions for system operations.(security, monitoring, and job management)

ABeam Cloud® SAP Managed Service

Platform for SAP operations, including Solution Manager, SAPRouter, ADS.

ABeam Cloud® GSMT Managed Service

Managed service that includes template development, quality assurance, and upgrade service for Global Sales & Manufacturing / Trading Template.


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