Presentation on Approaches to Decarbonization Strategies in Asia at “Asia Green Tech Summit”


Mar 23, 2023

On February 8, Tatsuya Kamoi, President and CEO of ABeam Consulting, spoke on the topic of governance and approaches to decarbonization strategies unique to Asia at “Asia Green Tech Summit” (co-hosted by Nikkei and the Financial Times), a symposium held in Singapore to discuss the technological innovations essential to solving the climate change problem.

Kamoi noted that, as initiatives such as Green Transformation (GX) are underway to realize a decarbonized society in Asia, many countries are setting decarbonization goals and companies are taking on the challenge of new schemes and models, and emphasized the importance of cooperation among countries, beyond physical walls and borders, to promote GX by taking advantage of digital technologies, such as the visualization of greenhouse gas emissions and reductions.

A video of the presentation can be found here:
*Video provided by Financial Times Live


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