Value Creation Story

ABeam Consulting promotes corporate activities to directly solve social issues. As a consulting firm, we also undertake a wide range of measures to solve the social issues faced by our stakeholders. Through these efforts, we are contributing to the realization of a sustainable society. ABeam Consulting, as a global consulting firm originating in Japan and Asia, will create the ABeam Ecosystem and contribute to social transformation.

Develop Proprietary Businesses by Harnessing Our Edge (Human Capital Capabilities) and the ABeam Ecosystem

Human capital is the most important management resource sustaining ABeam Consulting’s businesses.

Each employee has diverse expertise and capabilities. As a professional group with a varied mix of strengths, ABeam Consulting will demonstrate the comprehensive capabilities needed to support a variety of business models in a wide range of industries and countries and regions.

ABeam Consulting utilizes goal realization capabilities to realize transformation by using digital technologies acclaimed through our business and coordinating various stakeholders to design how our stakeholders should be and ideal approaches towards realization, taking social issues into account.

We will create the ABeam Ecosystem based on our relations not only with clients but also a wide variety of other stakeholders, such as business partners and NGOs. Through this process of value co-creation with stakeholders, ABeam Consulting will spur social transformation aimed at the resolution of social issues.

Solve Social Issues through Co-Creation with Clients and Partners

In response to the coming new era, ABeam Consulting will provide two approaches. The first is the issue resolution approach of “Solve client issues by harnessing digital technologies and realize transformation.” The second is the value creation and enhancement approach of “Co-create across the boundaries of companies, integrate industry agendas and technologies, create new value and transform society.”

As a Social Transformation Accelerator, ABeam Consulting will support the realization of clients’ sustainable corporate value creation, with our stakeholders that comprise the ABeam Ecosystem. This is a measure to synchronize the economic value and social value created by clients, and ABeam Consulting believes that this realization can lead to an even greater impact on the resolution of social issues.

The realization of clients’ sustainable corporate value creation can also pave the way for enhancing the value of our human capital, the driving force of the company, and for diversifying them. We believe that our ideal role as a Social Transformation Accelerator, which also enables social issues to be solved, will evolve through this value co-creation spiral.