ABeam Visual Analytics


Visual Analytics

Data Utilization Service that Corresponds with Constant Changes in Data and Business Requirements

Many companies do not fully utilize their developed management dashboards/cockpits on a continuous basis. Reports are often made with repeated usage of the same layouts and dimensions, causing top m anagement and even the corporate planning analysts to lose interest in the outcomes.
In recent years, the advancement of data visualization technology h as allowed for outliers and trends to be easily detected from mass data as well as a wide variety of combined data to be a nalyzed. ABeam Consulting will support companies with data analytics acceler ation based on its rich e xperience in BI implementation, industry knowledge, and project management capabilities.

Data Utilization Method

The key to achieving optimal actions through the utilization of data, is to share the various findings from its analysis. Checking of data on a periodic basis with a fixed point of view will not produce effective measures, especially without making comparisons or obtaining information on the contributing factors.

Data Utilization Method

Project Approach

ABeam’s project approach for visual analytics consists of five steps that will be repeated in promoting deeper analysis within a wider scope.
First, the current data will be analyzed through filtering and comparisons. Next, interviews will be conducted with the stakeholders based on the analysis results of the current data in order to share potential issues and requirements. New data scope will then be determined in accordance with the requirements, and further analysis and visualization of data will be conducted. Lastly, workshops will be held with Persons in Charge of Operations as well as IT in order to confirm new analysis results and incorporate additional requirements. The project will also conduct the following tasks in order to determine Next Actions and subsequent themes of analysis, promoting the continuous utilization of data: examination of upstream systems and business processes, and considerations of necessary measures.

Project Approach

Case studies: Analytics Cycle Approach

Past data utilization projects in which companies have implemented the “Analytics cycle” approach have had successful outcomes: Data visualization and utilization have been started at an early stage with a limited scope, allowing the project to continuously consider/execute concrete measures on various issues in accordance with scope expansion.

Case studies: Analytics Cycle Approach


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