Reflecting the relationship of trust between Yokogawa and ABeam dating back to the global implementation of SAP, the partners have good communication and the project proceeded smoothly. At the same time, ABeam was also promoting SAP-based improvement measures for Yokogawa, and ABeam consultants for these measures worked closely with those for the SAP Concur project. “ABeam’s comprehensive capabilities, which are not limited to SAP Concur but also cover SAP, were brought into full play. If a company other than ABeam had been in charge of implementation of SAP at Yokogawa, we would have had to step in and coordinate between ABeam and that company to ensure consistency between systems. This would have caused various problems, such as differences in perception, and could have delayed progress. My guess is that ABeam staff were working together in areas of which we were unaware and that was why the project progressed as scheduled.” (Mr. Yamada)
The SAP Concur-based system for expense management and advance application/approval began operation in April 2022, covering 42 sites of overseas affiliated companies. As of October 2022, 60 sites of affiliated companies worldwide, including 56 sites overseas, were using this system. This has enabled standardization of business processes globally, visualization of data, and a working environment suitable for remote working, and furthermore, Yokogawa was able to establish a platform for future cost reductions.
This SAP Concur global implementation project was completed, with all meetings online without any business trips to overseas affiliated companies. This was possible because of ABeam’s knowledge of Yokogawa’s overseas affiliated companies gained through its experience in implementing SAP, and because the overseas sites understood the approach of ABeam and Yokogawa headquarters, and the parties involved were able to reach agreements at an early stage. “Without traveling overseas at all, we were able to start operating the system, having held two online briefings for some 300 personnel of affiliated companies in seven Southeast Asian countries. This would have been unthinkable in the past.” (Mr. Ikemizu.)
By applying the template to headquarters and redesigning business processes, Yokogawa replaced the localized SAP Concur with the globally implemented SAP Concur and started using it in September 2022. In addition, now that visualization of data is available not only in Japan but also globally, Yokogawa will start expense analysis, setting of key performance indicators (KPIs), and global monitoring based on the aggregated data, using Concur BI. Having successfully implemented SAP Concur globally as an example of DX promotion, Yokogawa intends to standardize vendor expense management processes globally and introduce Concur Invoice to accomplish global standardization and visualization of expense management in its entirety.