Comprehensive services to transform clients and society for a new future
Accelerating Stalled Initiatives to Improve Customer Experience by Visualizing Investment Impact
Comprehensive services to transform clients and society for a new future
Modern turmoil is driving domestic and overseas organizations to transform. Organizations must serve customers with diverse values and grow their existing businesses. They must also improve sustainable corporate value by creating new businesses.
ABeam Consulting can utilize its extensive knowledge and strengths in implementing digital technology to offer clients total support, from strategy development to implementation, enabling them to independently run their business. ABeam partners with clients to transform their businesses. We can create a new future through co-creation.
Accelerating Stalled Initiatives to Improve Customer Experience by Visualizing Investment Impact
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InsureTech Connect Asia 2024 Summary Report
The Top 30 ESG Indicators for Enhancing Corporate Value (FY2024 ver.)
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Transformation that expands corporate value (PBR) -A partner that connects management, on-site, and investors-
Japanese companies must transform to raise their corporate value (PBR) to meet demands that focus on capital cost. Earning power and growth expectations have become pressing management agendas.
To address these agendas and raise PBR, Japanese companies must cover the following four points.
(1) Reflect scale growth indicators and intangible asset value in their business portfolios
(2) Construct on-site PDCA systems to operate through individual KPIs that consider business characteristics
(3) Strengthen intangible assets for growth and appropriate business contribution level evaluations
(4) Ongoing establishment of foundations (including expert organizations for data infrastructure, FP&A, and BICC)
Rather than stopping at stock buybacks, companies must improve real corporate value through business transformation, by creating a story that connects management, on-site, and investors.
ABeam Consulting understands the effect of evolving PBR/ROIC management and its modern significance. We support strategy, medium-term management plan development, and plan execution.
Generating new value for society and customers -Organic connections between strategy, systems, and human resources-
The world’s population is aging at an unprecedented level. But under these circumstances, companies must still create new value.
Businesses focused on social issues face the question of monetization. There are many cases now in which a single transaction may not be profitable. Businesses must connect multiple players through digital technology and create an efficient system with compiled data.
Also, the importance of human resources who handle data and the culture associated with human resources is rising. This is one reason for the focus on human capital management.
Rather than individually addressing issues such as system deployment and human resources development, companies must organically connect strategy, systems, organizations, and human resources to create a value generation story.
Transformation management - “Making transformation part of day-to-day operations” through digital technology
Until now, many Japanese companies have promoted management focused on forecasts and previous year results, assuming linear upward growth.
But a new management approach that focuses on points to scale, backcasting, and inflection points is required to achieve exponential growth in an uncertain digital world.
Portfolio management is also key. It is important to understand investment scenarios by region across businesses and companies. Companies must also pin-point vision realization, manage whether appropriate investments are being made from short- and long-term perspectives, and secure investments through a strategic investment framework.
As businesses shift from products to services, companies cannot simply create new soft services and business model transformations. The source of value creation is shifting to intangible “intellectual capital” assets, such as the technology and knowledge required to achieve those transformations, and to “human capital” such as human resources and external networks.
Unlike fixed-style management based on “results,” it is essential to create structures and systems to manage“processes” in a timely manner in non-continuous transformations.
The road to transformation that achieves corporate strategy
Understanding the situation on the ground to foster a sense of unity between management and frontline workers
Self-start transformation
ABeam Consulting can apply the knowledge gained over years of experience to provide total support in seven areas, from strategy development to execution support, enabling clients to independently run their business.
Portfolio Management Support Services That Increase Corporate Value
Management Policy (Japanese)
Business Management Concept Framework for Major Companies (Japanese)
Strategy Formulation
ROIC Management Introduction Support Service Driving Progress Towards Improving Price-Book Value Ratio (PBR) and the Realization of Corporate Value (Japanese)
CDXO Agenda Planning and Implementation Support Service (Japanese)
Business Model Transformation (Japanese)
Customer-Focused Business Model Transformation (Japanese)
Subscription Solution (Japanese)
Customer Potential Maximization Service by Analyzing Value Systems Using Behavioral Data (Japanese)
Support Service for Customer Success Planning and Implementation for BtoB Companies (Japanese)
BtoB Company Sales Reform (Japanese)
Partnering Support Service for Improving External Sales of Group Service Companies (Japanese)
Organizational and HR Reform (Japanese)
Business Management Reform Support Service (Japanese)
Service to Help Set Up and Run Branch Offices for Successful Data-Driven Business Management (Japanese)
Data-Driven Business Management Implementation Support Service (Japanese)
Strategic HR Service (Japanese)
Business Core Skills Training (Japanese)
Next-Generation Business Leader Training Service (Japanese)
Corporate Governance Reform Service (Japanese)
Innovation-Orientated Organization Formulation/Personnel Training Service (Japanese)
Operational Transformation (Japanese)
Support Service to Formulate and Implement Management-Directed Digital Business Reform Basic Plan (Japanese)
Shared Service Restoration Plan Formulation/Execution Support Service (Japanese)
BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) Service (Japanese)
Shared Services Implementation Framework and Short-Term Diagnostics Service (Japanese)
Nikko Co., Ltd.
Side-by-side support on a “business transformation journey” aiming to generate new growth and transform corporate culture in line with transformation themes
Metal One Sumisho Tubular Products Co., Ltd.
Formulating a medium-term business plan focused on post-integration “harmonization” and “execution”
Top Management Drives Evolution Advanced Case: Introduction of RPA in Vietnam
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