Global Cash Management Implementation Service


~ To achieve expeditious utilization of corporate cash reserves ~

Global cash management is a management practice to utilize cash effectively at a global level, through unified management of all cash maintained by the corporate group.
ABeam Consulting provides a comprehensive support for implementing global cash management, from support for reconsideration of people/organization/business processes to system implementation support.

Significance of Global Cash Management

Most of the previous global cash management implementations have been for quantitative benefits, such as reduction in interest rates and bank fees.
The trend has changed in recent years, however, with a rapid increase in the number of corporations that re-enhance their activities in practicing global cash management for corporate governance objectives. The change has been facilitated by increased globalization of corporate activities, and recent rise in expectations from investors/shareholders towards effective utilization of cash reserves.

Significance of Global Cash Management

While the number of Japanese corporations that enhanced activities in practicing global cash management has increased, only a part of them have been able to utilize the practice on a global level. Others have only been able to partially optimize cash management, while the level of globalization continues to rise.
Under such circumstances, there is an urgent need for Japanese corporations to implement global cash management for winning out global competitors.

	Significance of Global Cash Management

Key points for implementing Global Cash Management

It is essential to utilize IT solutions in practicing global cash management, such as a Treasury Management System (TMS hereinafter). Before considering the suitable IT solution, however, it is critical to first define the image of the “To-Be”. It is also critical to then define a roadmap to achieve the “To-Be” with a small start, since achieving all aspects of “To-Be” at once will be difficult. The appropriate IT solution should be selected and developed after completing the prior steps. Following such procedure is the successful factor for implementing global cash management.

	Key points for implementing Global Cash Management

ABeam’s services for implementing Global Cash Management

ABeam Consulting is the only consulting firm that possesses its original Cash Management System(CMS), with achievements in implementing CMS for numerous clients. ABeam also provides comprehensive services and strong leadership for clients to achieve successful implementation of global cash management, by utilizing expertise accumulated through past achievements: support for reconsideration of people/organizations/business processes, operational improvements after implementation and TMS implementation.

ABeam’s services for implementing Global Cash Management


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