Community support activities at global offices

Developing activities that fit the needs of each country and region

At ABeam Consulting’s global offices, we introduce activities that fit the needs of each country and region.

Thailand office
At our Thailand office, we made donations to support restoration efforts when major floods occurred. We also promote proactive support activities such as employee participation in charity marathons.

Malaysia office
In June 2022, twelve employees from the Malaysia office participated in a forest tour organized by the Free Tree Society, a non-governmental organization that works to conserve urban biodiversity.
After hiking the Pulai Trail public green space, the group planted 10 local plants, including ipil and putat.
Participants commenting that “a small act such as planting a tree can protect the last green space in Kuala Lumpur.” This has led to an increase in environmental awareness among employees.


Singapore Office
In September 2022, the Singapore office partnered with NPO TwilightLOVE to implement “Pack Bags for The Elderly,” which provides food and other items to elderly people who have financial difficulties and difficulty getting around on their own.
On the day of the event, our office packed bags with purchased food and other items and delivered them to more than 80 needy households. In the future, we will implement other sustainability activities such as community beautification projects and educational program support.



Indonesia Office
Indonesian startup Waste4Change is committed to zero waste. To raise employee awareness, the Indonesia office publishes a weekly newsletter and trivia on waste issues so that each employee can see waste as their own problem and cooperate with the company’s activities. In November 2022, Waste4Change was invited to provide training to broaden employees’ understanding of waste issues.

We also share ideas on sustainability by showcasing our sustainability activities in Japan in a global newsletter that is sent to global offices.
We will continue promoting these activities on a more global scale.

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