Sustainability Policy

Since ABeam Consulting established the CSR Department in 2009, we have been engaged in various  Sustainability activities.
In 2020, we identified materiality issues, and in January 2022 we revised our CSR policy and formulated a new sustainability policy.
As an accelerator for social change that promotes new value creation together with our clients, we will promote sustainability activities in cooperation with communities, companies, and institutions.


ABeam Consulting works extensively to solve social issues and creates social impact.


ABeam promotes direct social issues resolution through environmental conservation and social contribution activities, strengthens consulting services, and strives to solve a wide range of social issues, including pro bono activities and philanthropy, to create social impact.


Each and every employee considers social issues as their own priority and creates social impact through co-creation with stakeholders through all corporate activities, including consulting services.


Each and every employee considers social issues as their own priority, provides various initiatives and services not only as philanthropy or pro bono activities but also as client services.
By actively communicating the results to society, we can enhance the ability of stakeholders, including companies and NPOs, to solve social issues.
As a result, we will create social impact through co-creation with stakeholders.


Human Rights Policy

ABeam Consulting respects fundamental human rights in every business activity and does not tolerate discrimination or any form of action to violate individual dignity for any reason.

“NEC Group Human Rights Policy” is formulated by the NEC respect human rights across the NEC Group’s entire value chain.
Please refer to the link below:

NEC | Policy on Respecting Human Rights 


Sustainable Procurement Policy

At ABeam, we are committed to working toward solving environmental and social issues across our entire supply chain including our partners, to realize sustainable future.

Guidelines for Responsible Business Conduct in Supply Chains” is formulated by the NEC Group to promote responsible business conduct, cooperating with the partners.
Please refer to the link below:

Guidelines for Responsible Business Conduct in Supply Chains

*“Supply-Chain BCP Guideline” is not applied to our sustainable procurement management at ABeam Consulting.

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