Capability building & Global human capital development

Focus on developing global human capitals by supporting employee skill development

At ABeam Consulting, “People” are our one and only asset, and the entire company is committed to human capital development.

Courses are held daily with on-site consultants serving as instructors to teach IT skills and industry knowledge.
These training courses are not limited to in-house group training, but also offered through e-learning and training at project sites, and are used to develop skills of our employees.

In recent years, we have focused on the developing human capitals who can demonstrate their abilities in a global environment, and added educational programs such as short-term study abroad, inviting MBA school lecturers, and an open global training programs.

Overview of Training


Supporting self-improvement

To support employees’ self-improvement, we have a system that provides a qualification allowance when employees acquire official qualifications related to their work. In addition, there is a system to subsidize renewal fees to maintain acquired qualifications.
Furthermore, we actively support employees to improve their language skills by offering discount on tuition and enrollment fees at language schools and group TOEIC examinations, and we provide an environment that encourages employees to improve themselves by holding study sessions and case study sharing meetings for each division.

Photo of Training

Photo from a divisional case study sharing meetings 

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