Cloud consulting

Support for DX realization through cloud strategy formulation, realization, utilization upgrade

In response to the breakdown of existing business models due to digital technology, the ability to provide a superior customer experience on a daily basis has become essential to attaining a competitive advantage. Cloud utilization and upgrade has become a key topic at many companies as a means of reducing operation and maintenance costs and accelerating expansion of functions related to systems that have grown complex and ponderous.

ABeam Consulting provides comprehensive cloud services ranging from cloud utilization strategy formulation to cloud migration, operation & upgrade, thus maximizing client business value to acquire a competitive advantage.

ABeam Cloud™ Transformation Services

  • Cloud Value Creation Acceerator
    We use managed cloud services and OSS to achieve rapid function implementation.
  • Cloud Strategy for IT Modernization
    We provide a comprehensive strategy formulation service to make maximum use of the power of cloud computing.
  • Cloud Migration & Integration
    We achieve rapid, high-quality 'lift & shift' to the cloud for on-premises functions.
  • Cloud Value Creation Acceerator
    We assist with security risk management and countermeasures necessary in utilizing the cloud.

ABeam Cloud™ Platform Services

  • Cloud Managed Platfrom
    We provide comprehensive managed services for stable operation of systems in the cloud environment.
  • Cloud Templates for IT Modernization
    We provide template function, environment and operation services based on microservice architecture and the zero-trust network model.

Related achievements

A food products company Support for system renewal & workload optimization using ABeamCloud

  • Using the ABeamCloud Platform, workload is optimized to sustain and improve systems operation while renewing core business infrastructure systems within a short time frame.

A manufacturing-related company Support for architecture concept formulation to achieve IT modernization

  • Support for simplification of existing bloated ERP, and concept formulation for cloud-based architecture to effect rapid, flexible linkage with new digital domains

Entertainment-related company Providing solutions based on cloud-native architecture

  • Construction and provision of cloud platforms utilizing a cloud-native application bundle including blockchain technology with safe & secure e-ticked issuance

Case study

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