
The digital revolution has already demolished conventional business models, creating a new competitive environment. ABeam Consulting has developed a diverse range of solutions based on industry and business process knowledge and experience gained from IoT implementation and operation, case studies, manufacturing industry transformation and supply chain refinement. We apply those solutions to help companies grappling with digital-related problems apply digital technology to transform their businesses.

IoT Utilization to Achieve a Digital Value Chain

In the digital age, every business process is affected by digitalization, requiring new business process transformation. ABeam Consulting defines the digitization of all business processes (the whole value chain) as the “digital value chain.” We work to achieve by IoT implementation.

IoT Utilization to Achieve a Digital Value Chain

Approach to IoT Utilization

Approaches to IoT utilization are diverse, varying by industry and business field. By improving visibility in the production workplace, added value can be provided to expand sales. Data links to other business fields can generate new services. And business models that transform monetization methods and enable deployment of new business operations can emerge. There is also an urgent need for organizational and corporate decision-making, which individual departments find difficult, but can be achieved through IoT utilization.

Approach to IoT Utilization

Operational Scenarios & Scope of Implementation for IoT Utilization

By clarifying the IoT operational scenario and scope of implementation for each industry and business field, and each IoT project objective, we can establish concrete details for a given IoT effort for successful execution.

Potential Business Scenarios

New Business Development

  • Start-up support
  • Ideathon events, contests

Business Model Transformation & New Service Development

  • Service plan/development support
  • Implement a subscription model for product use
  • Build billing/settlement service platform

Product IoT-lization

  • The product quality visibility and advancing analysis cycle
  • Bring visibility to product use, improving after-sale service
  • Build IoT platform to link IoT products and services

Equipment IoT-lizaiton

  • Manufacturing process visualization, anomaly detection
  • Manufacturing equipment defect forecasting
  • Manufacturing equipment preventive maintenance

Next-generation Supply Chain

  • Product throughput optimization
  • Achieve individually optimized production

CPS for Factories

  • Deepening PDCA cycle
  • Speed up emergency response
  • Digitalization of experienced craftsmanship

Scope of Implementation

Strategy / Plan Formulation

  • IoT use scenario creation & business model design support
  • Digital strategy formulation, implementation & business planning support
  • Business tie-ups/collaboration with other firms

Business Design

  • New service/business design support
  • BPR scenario formulation, evaluation process formulation support
  • New organization set-up & restructuring support

Data Analysis & Model Building

  • IoT data formulation support (equipment, products, personnel activities, etc.)
  • IoT data analysis & model construction support

System Design & Building

  • PoC implementation & IoT system grand design support
  • IoT platform construction support
  • System implementation & application design/development

Maintenance & Operation

  • New service, new process rooting support
  • IoT platform operation support

ABeam IoT Solution Lineup

Utilizing solutions optimized for the scope of operational scenarios & scope of implementation efficiently promotes IoT implementation.

ABeam IoT Solution Lineup


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