Cost Planning Services for Manufacturing that Creates New Perspectives for Cost Optimization


Clarify areas for improvement through multiplication thinking, Supporting the creation of effective themes for initiatives

Cost optimization is a perennial theme in securing and expanding profits in the manufacturing industry, but the following issues remain: (1) The structure of manufacturing costs is not well understood; therefore, the effect of cost reduction is not properly calculated. (2) The lack of methods and opportunities to gain fresh perspectives leads only to ideas that are an extension of current ones. (3) Even when such an idea emerges, it is neglected due to the top priority given to achieving the goals of the department, or due to a conflict of interest between departments. ABeam Consulting offers assets based on its extensive experience in on-site improvement utilizing DX and supports cost planning in areas that are difficult to realize by the client on their own.

Cost Planning Issues

The following cases are evident: Past efforts have narrowed down thinking and perspectives, so that no new ideas for cost planning are generated. The cost structure is not properly understood, and measures are therefore selected without recognizing effective ways to approach the cost structure.

Service Summary

This service uses the following three features to define the target of manufacturing from a cross-functional perspective. By linking each manufacturing cost indicator, we discover areas not yet targeted for improvement. In addition, we select policy measures based on cost size, and provide cost planning.

Service Summary

The Value Proposition of ABeam Consulting

Manufacturing cost planning in unexplored areas requires breaking down the cost structure from multiple perspectives and generating measures. ABeam Consulting supports manufacturing cost planning in areas that are difficult to realize on your own by utilizing our extensive experience and know-how in the manufacturing industry.

The Value Proposition of ABeam Consulting

Assets for Optimal Manufacturing Costs

Utilizing assets based on the diverse skills of human resources from various industries and know-how gained through extensive experience in cost planning, we can identify areas not yet targeted and cost size to reduce manufacturing costs.

Assets for Optimal Manufacturing Costs


In our Cost Planning Services for Manufacturing, we clarify issues by organizing your manufacturing cost structure and past initiatives. Then we determine specific policy measures through assessment.



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