ABeam Consulting 2017 Campus Recruiting has kicked off

Shanghai ABeam Consulting is currently recruiting talents who are to graduate in 2017. If you are ready to be part of our team, work on high-profile projects, and produce real results for our clients, then you are ready for a career with ABeam Consulting.

Position: Analyst

• Bachelor’s degree or above
• Excellent communication skills in English or Japanese
• Strong analytic skills and logical thinking capability
• Highly motivated, outstanding interpersonal skills and team player
• Desire to learn by pursuing personal and team development opportunities
• Ability to work effectively with a diverse group of individuals at all levels of the organization
• Flexible, willing to travel and willing to take challenge in a dynamic environment with enthusiasm

If you are interested, please download CV template from below link then email your application to cnabcampus@abeam.com by 2016/11/11 with subject title “ABCN Analyst”.


ABeam 2016年校园宣讲会安排:
10/24 18:30-20:30 上海财经大学-武东校区-国定路777号-学生中心A205活动室
10/26 18:00-20:00 上海对外经贸大学-松江校区-文翔路1900号-图文信息楼530会议室
10/27 18:00-20:00 华东师范大学-闵行校区-东川路500号-学生之家A区208室
10/31 17:00-19:00 上海外国语大学-松江校区-文翔路1550号-八教135
11/01 18:30-20:30 复旦大学-杨浦校区-国顺路670号-史带楼204教室
11/02 18:30-20:30 上海交通大学-徐汇校区-华山路1954号-新上院S203
11/04 18:00-20:00 同济大学-四平路校区-四平路1239号-经纬楼第三会议室

这次校招我们采用统一的简历模板,请大家点击下方链接下载模板,填妥后发至cnabcampus@abeam.com,标题注明“ABCN Analyst”。



电话: +8621-3303 9510
校招联系人: Jasmine Zhou or Ivy Lu


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